Fine wine can also be referred to as vintage wine. Vintage wines are made from the grapes from single year's harvest and are dated consequently. Many countries all over the world allow a vintage wine bottle to include some portion of wine that is not from the labeled vintage. Australia, New Zealand, and countries belonging to the European Union require 85% same years content for vintage-dated wine. In countries such as Chile and South Africa, the requirement is only 75% whereas in the United States the requirement is 95%.

More often than not, these vintage French wines often taste better as they mature, which is a primary reason why these are quite coveted by wine lovers and enthusiasts all over the world. A lot of care and precautions are taken when vintage wines are being made. The best qualities of grapes are used in their making. Vintage French wines are often quite expensive and priced higher than non vintage wines. Non vintage wines are those wines which is a mixture of wine from one or two years.

Vintage wines are generally made in one batch so that every bottle of wine has the same taste. However, due to changing climactic conditions and other environmental factors, wine bottles from the same batch may have diametrically opposite tastes and flavors.

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Even within the category of vintage wines, those wines which are made from superior producers and regions, will demand a higher price than others which are of average quality and don't come from a reputed region or vineyard. Some vintage wines such as the White Zinfandel, don't age very well, which is a reason why they are meant for instant consumption and fail to fetch a very high price.


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