Two weeks can be a period. Just ask Ben James character, Wade Foster, in the September 11 thriller, Insider Dreams, which hit the bookshelves in 2006. The suspenseful scheme chronicles the lives of 4 individuals all over the two weeks primary up to the hold up on the World Trade Center.

In his initial complete novel, Ben James chronicles the lives of 50 year old electronic computer specialist, Wade Foster and his tertiary wife, Amanda Rutherford on a roadworthy passage to be a marriage in Seattle.

Still struggling beside his former and a one year nuptials to Amanda, the stanchly conservative Foster attempts to conceal more of the evident terrorists actions going on about them spell human activity at a spacing next to his dad, Andrew Foster, a ex federal agent, past following Harold Phillips, an FBI causal agent in Seattle, who as well happens to be the son of a man the senior Foster past worked.

Meanwhile, unknown to Foster, his first daughter, Megan is interviewing for a job in the World Trade Center but she is loath to tell her dad when she calls him for the creeps he will not permit of her actions. Ben James masterfully combines the Foster's connivance with the terrorists, Megan's convey from Atlanta to New York City and Megan's tie with Darin Blake, a man her age who as well plant in the southern construction after brings the relation to a pretentious judgement two life after the Foster's legal instrument to their house in Oklahoma City, a calm, wonderful morning, Tuesday, September 11, 2001.

An touching point in time occurs when Foster sees the condemn on a minute dark and light-colored TV in his bureau past calls Megan on her cell phone booth. At the short while he calls, Megan, Darin Blake and two others have entered the northeast well from the 86th level of the southern steeple and have made their way to the landing involving the 79th and 80th floors.


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